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    Cardboard Submarine

    Erik wanted to enhance his daughters’ cardboard fort and invented an immersive, interactive submarine experience using Scratch. Check out how code and some engineering can convert some boxes into an exciting underwater world.

    Engineering Design
    Submarine - Template
    Scratch - AR Submarine Game

    Watch Episode

    Episodes from the School of Ridiculous Inventions are open-ended, inspirational resources you can share with your students learning how to brainstorm and act on prototyping ideas following an iterative and creative design process. There is a suggested list of resources to use if students want to try remaking the projects made.

    MIT Scratch - AR Submarine Game


    Erik designed this submarine to be an immersive and interactive gaming experience to dive through the ocean over the ten minutes of oxygen and try to find as many creatures as possible. For designing an augmented reality experience, he used Scratch for the game, a cardboard switch as the interface to the computer to control the submarine for interaction with sea animals when the sonar senses a creature. For additional sensory experiences was using a speaker and external blue lights to increase the ocean environment.