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    micro:bit Instrument Speedbuild

    Erik challenges to make an instrument keyboard using micro:bit in under 3 hours. After short research and quick prototyping, several versions with cardboard and Scratch the team then performs a harmonic melody together.

    Engineering Design
    Guitar Template
    Instrument Pad Template

    Watch Episode

    Episodes from the School of Ridiculous Inventions are open-ended, inspirational resources you can share with your students learning how to brainstorm and act on prototyping ideas following an iterative and creative design process. There is a suggested list of resources to use if students want to try remaking the projects made.



    One of the instrument ideas was starting with a small sheet of cardboard as the guitar body straws and connectors as the neck holding the micro:bit. The buttons for the keyboard are extended from the Robotic Inventions board with metallic conductive tape.