Simple STEAM Ideas

    Get a taster of our learning pedagogy by trying our practical and engaging STEM/ STEAM ideas in your school and community. All projects can be built with or without Strawbees!

    Download PDF instructions below for free by entering your email.


    Craft your own paper clothespins. Hang artwork on a string as a classroom gallery.


    Print Instructions

    Download PDF instructions by entering your email. Print and start making with friends.

    On Strawbees Classroom

    Share and create clothespins through Strawbees Classroom for your students. Sign up for a free trial now!


    A boomerang is a tool thrown consistently spinning on an axis and eventually returns to you. Throw this cardboard, tri-blade, shoemerang and watch it return to your hand!


    Printout Instructions

    Download PDF instructions by entering your email. Print and start making with friends.

    On Strawbees Classroom

    Watch an episode from the School of Ridiculous Inventions for using the shoemerang. Sign up for a free trial now!

    Bouncing Cardboard Disc

    Fling a lightweight disc to bounce along surfaces. Invent a compass made of Strawbees beams, then draw circles on a sheet of cardboard. After cutting the disc, attach a rubber band and release to project the aerodynamic disc through the air!


    Print Instructions

    Download PDF instructions by entering your email. Print and start making with friends.

    On Strawbees Classroom

    Share and create cardboard disc through Strawbees Classroom for your students. Sign up for a free trial now!

    Tiny Rex

    A tiny, yet mighty cardboard creature! When attaching the parts together with moving joints. The result leads to controlling the tail to push the mechanical linkage animating the jaw, making the tiny rex roar!


    Print Instructions

    Download PDF instructions by entering your email. Print and start making with friends.

    On Strawbees Classroom

    Share and create Tiny Rex through Strawbees Classroom for your students. Sign up for a free trial now!

    Easter Bunny

    Make an expressive Easter bunny searching for eggs.


    Print Instructions

    Download PDF instructions by entering your email. Print and start making with friends.

    On Strawbees Classroom

    Share and create clothespins through Strawbees Classroom for your students. Sign up for a free trial now!

    STEAM Starter Kit

    Want to try out Strawbees starter building toolbox? A booklet with more activities is included.