Invention literacy is the ability to read and write human made stuff, from toasters to apps. People think inventors perform magic, but invention is no more magical than reading and writing a sentence. Join this panel of inventors to learn how they read inventions to create new ones! And hear how the process of reading an invention informs their creative decisions!
Join this panel of inventors to learn how they read inventions to create new ones!
Invention literacy is the ability to read and write human made stuff, from toasters to apps. People think inventors perform magic, but invention is no more magical than reading and writing a sentence. Join this panel of inventors with Jay Silver and Colleen Graves of Joylabz with Erik Thorstensson and Lindsay Balfour of Strawbees to learn how they read inventions to create new ones! And hear how the process of reading an invention informs their creative decisions for all ages.
Panelists found something in their local household to reinvent as something new stating, “This is not a _, this is a _.”
Posed with the question, “How could you put these two inventions together?” Everyone combined their inventions together to make new versions in the form of, “Yes, and _.”
Listed are professional learning pages to help you continue your learning on how to implement the contents of this webinar into everyday teaching strategies.