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    Teacher Training for STEAM Classroom Robotics micro:bit

    Engage in a hands-on robotics training at your preferred pace. Get acquainted with Strawbees Classroom and get ready to use the Strawbees STEAM Classroom Robotics - micro:bit product in your classroom.

    Teacher Training for STEAM Classroom Robotics micro:bit

    Get ready for your first activity with STEAM Classroom Robotics micro:bit with your learners.


    Get acquainted with Strawbees Classroom and get ready to use the Strawbees STEAM Classroom Robotics micro:bit product in your classroom. 

    This training also exists as an online 3-hour live webinar with one of our certified trainers. The following article is meant to work together with the live training, and as a stand-alone resource for teachers to study independently.

    The goal of this training:

    • Get the basic knowledge and confidence to run your first activity with your students.
    • Learn how to build with Strawbees connectors and straws. With or without step-by-step building guides.
    • Navigate the Strawbees Classroom to find relevant student-facing resources and professional learning materials.
    • Get familiar and hands-on with the Robotics hardware
    • Create and upload code with MakeCode for the micro:bit
    • Gain insight into how other teachers are using Strawbees and where to find more inspirational activities for your students and yourself.
    • Know how to get started with integrating Strawbees with your curriculum standards.


    Total Duration about 3 hours

    1. What is Strawbees - 10 min
    2. Building Tips and Tricks - 10 min
    3. Hands-on: Free building exercise - 20 min
    4. Intro to Strawbees Classroom - 20 min
    5. Hands-on: Build a project - 20 min
    6. Robotics Hardware for the micro:bit - 10 min
    7. Coding with Strawbees Robotics - 30 min
    8. Hands-on: Build a Robotics Project - 30 min
    9. Prepare your first activity - 15 min
    10. Next Steps - 15 min

    What Is Strawbees?

    Duration - 10 min

    How is Strawbees used?

    Strawbees is a versatile and engaging solution for hands-on STEM and STEAM learning. Thanks to its great potential for story telling and cooperative learning, we see many teachers using Strawbees in social sciences and language learning. Making Strawbees well-rounded of a tool in STEM fields and beyond. It works great for project-based and student-driven learning. Especially for teachers who are looking to create high levels of student engagement through creativity, exploration, and design challenges. Strawbees Classroom has resources to match Strawbees with your curriculum. Strawbees is also a widely used tool in maker spaces and libraries.

    What are the Components?

    1. Strawbees connectors and straws are simple, lightweight, and versatile. They work both to visualize mechanical constructions and create expressive individual projects. These are tools meant to be reused many times and work well with common craft materials. The color coding makes it easy to follow step-by-step instructions, and the “wireframe” building style makes it possible to change one part of the build without destroying it all.
    2. The robotics parts of Strawbees offer an inclusive and hands-on way to get into coding and robotics. This makes the constructions come to life and gives coding a natural purpose. 
    3. Strawbees Classroom is a rich and always expanding resource for teachers. A platform with many student resources and inspirational material.

    Relevant teacher support articles

    Building Tips and Tricks

    Duration - 10 min

    Follow along with this video to learn the basic techniques to start building with Strawbees.


    Share the same video to students from the card below.

    Hands On: Free Building Exercise

    Duration - 20 min

    Time to experiment! Take 15-20 minutes to build freely and get acquainted with the material. You never know what you’ll end up making.

    If you have trouble getting started, here are some approaches to make your process easier:

    • Start small: try building simple structures and then link them together to make a larger thing.
    • Start simple and iterate: build a tetrahedron, then start replacing and adding straws one by one until it turns into something else.
    • Explore mechanical properties: what makes a structure rigid or flexible?
    • Try to delay what your end result will be. Let chance and impulse guide what you connect.

    What did you build?

    Once you created something make up a little story about it. If you have someone there with you, show them your creation and tell them the story!

    Introduction to Strawbees Classroom

    Duration - 20 min


    Explore on your own!

    Now it's time for you to explore Strawbees Classroom. Can you find something relevant to you to add to your favorites?

    Hands On: Build a project

    Duration - 20 min

    Let’s try out a project in Strawbees Classroom. The purpose of this exercise is to become more familiar with the step-by-step building guides of the pre-designed models. These models are great for learning mechanical principles in a hands-on way. We don't see these models as a single solution and we encourage altering them, both to try to improve them or break them.

    You can choose any project you like from Strawbees Classroom, but here are some suggestions:

    Robotics Hardware for the micro:bit

    Duration - 10 min

    Familiarize yourself with the Robotics hardware. The video will guide you through the basics.


    Coding with Strawbees Robotics

    Duration - 30 min

    Now it's time to create and upload code on the robotics hardware. The videos below will guide you step by step. Take your time and make sure you have working batteries and that the board is switched on.


    Start coding in MakeCode



    If after following the guide above you don't get your motor to move, here is a short troubleshooting checklist from our help center: Why is my motor not moving?

    Prepare Your First Classroom Activity

    Duration - 15 min

    We recommend that you try out a Strawbees activity with your students as soon as possible after completing this training. This will give you an idea of how Strawbees can work for your students, before you integrate into your unit planning. It's usually a fun experience for everyone involved.


    1. Choose a simple and fun activity.
    2. Try out the build, or part of the build, beforehand.
    3. Choose a good time, and give yourselves some extra buffer time.
    4. Set up the room in a way that suits the activity.
    5. Prepare the materials and how to present the activity.
    6. Present the activity and set the right expectations.
    7. Do the activity together!
    8. Reflect with your students. 

    Remember, this is a learning experience for both you and your students. You can also present it this way, and it’s the communal responsibility of everyone to make this a successful experiment. This gives your students agency to know that they are part of evaluating a new tool for their own future benefit.

    Choose any activity, with some recommendations:

    Next Steps

    Duration - 15 min

    After doing your first activity in class it is time to start the process of developing your use of Strawbees in the classroom. This will look very different depending on where and what you teach, and the level of support from your school. Below we have highlighted some resources that might help you in your process.

    Curriculum Alignment

    Strawbees Classroom lessons are aligned with:

    • Next-Generation Science Standards - The Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are K-12 science standards setting the expectations for what students should know, able to do, and improve learning science education.
    • Common Core - The Common Core standards covers both English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Mathematics curriculum, focusing on kindergarten through 8th grade.
    • Sustainable Development Goals - Developed by the United Nations, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) blueprint is based on global needs to create a more sustainable world by 2030.
    • Computer Science Teachers Association - The CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards are for teaching computer science by grade level for K-12 schools. The CSTA standards aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of computer science concepts and skills, including programming, data analysis, and problem-solving.
    • ISTE Student Standards - ISTE Student Standards are guidelines that outline the skills, knowledge, and attitudes for students navigating a digital world.
    • The National Curriculum - The national curriculum sets out the programmes of study and attainment targets for all subjects at all 4 key stages.
    • Curriculum for Excellence - Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) – helps our children and young people gain the knowledge, skills and attributes needed for life in the 21st century. It is divided into two phases: the broad general education and the senior phase.

    Our lesson development is ongoing to cover a larger part of these curriculums, right now, we are focusing on the parts of the curriculum where we think Strawbees is strongest. We have several resources to get you started aligning Strawbees lessons with your curriculum. If you want an overview of what parts of the curriculum our current and upcoming lessons cover, the Alignment plan is a great resource.


    The way you, as a teacher will use Strawbees, depends on your needs and style of teaching. For some inspiration, we have compiled stories from teachers to give you an idea of how they use Strawbees in their different teaching situations and what they find helpful about it.

    Teacher Stories


    Practical Tips for Facilitation

    There are also practical considerations. We have compiled articles with things teachers have learned teaching with Strawbees over the years. Things like material management, storage, cleanup and preparations, and how to use the resources in your classroom.

    Relevant teacher support articles

    Getting Help

    If you have any questions about Strawbees please don't hesitate to reach out to us! By mail to or directly by using the integrated help function in Classroom. Many questions have been answered already in our Help Center .